Monday, March 10, 2014

     Hey guys its Mark Smith bringing you my first ever blog and first YouTube video. If you did not watch my video already you should. About me, I work for game stop up here in Everett,Washington. I know 10$ isn't  a lot but i know that this will help a lot of people out. The only thing i ask in return, is for you to use it!!(:
That is not much to ask for. You can download it and print it whenever you feel the need to buy something from game stop. Im just trying to be nice is all so i really dont need to here it if you have anything bad to say. You can pay the 10$ for all i care, or you can simply download and print the coupon, that easy.

How To Use:
Step 1- Download the file
Step 2- Open the Pdf
^^ I think you may need Adobe Reader, but I am not sure. That is what i use.
Step 3- Click Print
Step 4- Print the coupm
Step 5- Go to gamestop
Step 6- When buying the item, give the worker the coupon
Step 7- Wait for him to scan the coupon, and boom 10$ off your purchase.
Step 8- Enjoy your item you bought.

Note: This code IS RE-USABLE, so ANYONE can use it where ever you live. I would say go to different gamestops as they do not know you just went to one before. (Hehe shh, my secret)
But please leave me your feedback on what you bought and please possibly say thank you. That is all i ask for, because honestly knowing that i am helping possibly thousands of people makes me feel great.

Proof I have Coupon

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